Friday, February 11, 2011

Silk Road Increases Trade Productivity

The Silk Road trade route was created by Wu Di. It runs through eastern Asia all the way to western . Five years ago, on March 25th, 206 B.C, the silk road was finalized.
It is about four to five thousand miles long. More and more merchants are becoming very
wealthy because of useful items being bartered. The main products being exchanged are
silk, gold, and spices. Other items that are being exchanged are jewelry (jade), exotic
fruits, and some metals. The Silk Road plays a major role in China’s economy and helps
communication by linking others toward one another. This is good because when they
are swapping goods, they are communicating and creating a conversation. When
merchants traveled the Silk Road, they bring a little more than just their goods with them,
they also bring a little bit of their culture. When these cultures spread, they influence
different aspects of people’s lives, thus changing the way they live.

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