Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Bibliography

BookArt, Suzanne Strauss. The Story Of Ancient China. Lincoln, Massachusetts:
     Pemblewick Press, 2001. Print.

Web Site, Martin, Phillip. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2011.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Opinion Editorial (OP/ED)

Gaodi wanted his Han empire's religion to all be Confucion. Confucianism is a bad way to run government becuase people need to pay or serve punishment/ consequences for they're crimes. When it comes to crimes, you cannot be soft. You have to be strict so that the person will think twice before doing the certain crime because he could face a death penalty or if he did end up doing the crime, he will have a serious consequence where he will never be able to do crimes again. Committing a crime is not something where you can just say sorry to the victum, you have to serve a punishment, and that is something Confucianism will not do.

Interview with Emperor Han Wudi

Question: When was paper invented?
Answer: Paper was invented in 105 AD by Cai Lun.
Question: How did the invention of paper impact the scholars?
Answer: Well, the earliest books were made of either bamboo strips or silk. These were very bulky and awkwardly shaped making them hard to grasp. When we had paper, it was great becuase it was cheap and portable.
Question: How did the Silk Road improve your trade system and your culture?
Answer: We were exchanging many different and new products we've never even heard of before. We recieved exotic fruits, expensive jewelry, and also important metals. It improved our culture becuase we would be trading with people who weren't from China so they would tell us about their culture and we would tell them about ours.
Question: When music was invented, who was it used for and why was it important?
Answer: There were four different types of melodies and all of them used for certain people. One form was for me (the emperor), another form was for lords, another form for ministers, and finally a form for lower officials. Music was very relaxing and you needed to listen to it. Some even said that listening to music was just as important as food for your body.
Question: What made your dynasty want to change from having Legalism to having Confucianism?
Answer: We thought that Emperor Qin's Legalism's consequences were way to harsh. For example, beheading people or people beeing buried alive. We felt that we should live off our morals and it's only fair to hire people in certain jobs if their good at it, not becuase you like a certain person.
Question: Lastly, how does it feel wearing very expensive jewls (like jade) all over you all the time? Why don't others have the ability to wear this? What is so special about jade?
Answer: Well, it feels great becuase it feels like people are showing me how great or how loved i really am. It shows that people care for me. Other people don't get to wear it unless they buy it for themselves becuase I am the highest person in heirarchy and I am emperor. Jade has an elegent green color to it and is one of the most durrable stones. It is the hardest stone other than diamond.

Religion of Han

In 202 BC, the Han Dynasty was of Confucian religion. Confucianism was a way of life or a philosophy in which you live by your morals. Gaodi did not like the consequences of Legalism which emperor Qin had. He thought they were too harsh and above the extreme. For example, in many cases, people were beheaded or buried alive. They would be killed in the worst of ways. He thought Confucianism was better because of how it was based on loyalty and it brought out the best of yourself. Today, Confucianism would not work because of the people living in our society and that is why Confucianism did not last forever in China.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Culture of Han (The Sound of Music)

Music was a popular form of entertainment, and usually put people in better moods. Confucianists say how the sound of music is relaxing and listening to music is just as important as eating food. Music is often used in religous ceremonies and rituals. There are four types of different melodies that were used for certain people at certain times. One types was for the emperor, another type was for lords, another type was for ministers, and finally one for lower officials. A few instruments that were used were bamboo flute, gong, chimes, cymbals, and drums. Music was very important for the ancient Chinese people of the Han Dynasty.

Inventions of Han

For years the ancient Chinese scholars relied on strips of bamboo and silk for writing. These were an annoyance because they were too awkwardly shaped and hard to grasp. In 105 A.D, a person name Cai Lun created something called paper. He boiled bark, rags, and nets together. He then mixed it into a squishy pulp. The water was being absorbed so the fibers grew a little bigger. He pulled something out, and waited until the pulp dried and then he had one sheet of paper. Paper became a great seller because it was cheap and nicely shaped.